Sunday, October 6, 2013

Allah Issues Eternal Death Sentence To Taliban

Never forget when you see or hear threats from any of the Taliban (or Muslim/Islamic) infidels that God/Allah has already sentenced them to time loops of judgement AS their victims (100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH) and then eternal execution of their spirits to protect Heaven (Paradise) and the New Earth from their “infidelity” “infection” (they deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God/Allah, which makes them infidels who called God/Allah a “liar” when He said He sent His Son, and so they commit adultery behind Allah’s back with the devils who possessed Mohammad when he wrote their devil book they call the Quran/Koran)…
The false prophet Mohammad must also endure their fate and endure time loops as every victim ever created from his teachings, which means he’ll even be looped as every woman who was stoned to death for adultery by his followers, just as he’ll be the victims of every terrorist attack or bombing (100,000 times per victim per offense)…
Those Muslim/Islamic infidels should abide by this scripture (if they REALLY loved their “prophet”):
"Treat everyone, even your wives and children and those you disagree with and don’t like (yes, even the Americans), as if they’re your prophet Muhammad"
 because it’s what Mohammad must abide by, now that he’s in the time loops of judgement.
 What they do to others they do to Mohammad, because his spirit is being time looped AS those victims…If they look into their victims’ eyes, they’ll see Mohammad looking back at them, every time…
 These are facts and the Quran (Koran) was a lie…
There’s no sex in Heaven (Paradise),
because sex is an Earthbound reproductive function and it’s just nasty and lascivious to wanna introduce that behavior into Heaven (which you couldn’t anyway, because we’re spirits again there).
 Terrorists are time looped and eternally executed when they die, NOT rewarded with virgins.
 Children and their innocence should be protected. God/Allah NEVER condones sex with a child under the age of sexual readiness (never, ever, under no circumstances). To have sex with a child before her body is ready for sex is regarded by God/Allah as rape, pedophilia and attempted murder, and is worthy of execution by stoning.
 If you’re not going to stone the male participant to adultery, you’re NEVER to stone an adulteress.
You were ordered to refrain from such behavior by God/Allah, anyway.
 God/Allah is in authority over Mohammad and cursed be ANY human who regards the teachings of Muhammad over the scriptures from God/Allah that came before Mohammad. Mohammad was a false prophet who was born during an era when God/Allah specified (warned) that no prophets would be sent by Him, as if to warn that Muhammad was false before he was even born by disqualifying his authenticity by the very time era during which he came.
 You’ll see…In the New Earth and Heaven (Paradise), the only Muslims/Islamics you’ll find are the murdered adulteresses (because their executioners/stoners interfered with the spirit scan and judgement and got them pardoned is the only reason any Muslim/Islamic infidels would be found beyond this Earth Age/spirit scan). So the adulteresses were bought “pardons” and “passes” into Heaven (Paradise) and the New Earth that not even their executioners will get (ironic, but adultery is a lesser sin than murder and stoning a woman for adultery is murder under the law of God/Allah):
 God/Allah said to forgive your wives and continue to have intercourse with them…To not even put them away from you for the sin of adultery. Until you acknowledge that fact, and the fact that Jesus Christ is the Son of God/Allah, you’re infidels who don’t know God/Allah and you have no authority to even speak His name. So shut the fuck UP already, before a REAL prophet of God/Allah (like Motuphi) has to loose MORE curses on you and your cursed land of infidels and cause a few more earthquakes to hit you infidels for being bloodthirsty infidels who hate God/Allah and His Holy Son, Jesus Christ, who spits upon all lying false prophets like Mohammad who’d defy His Holy teachings (Christ said do NOT stone your women and to protect the children, NOT to stone them and fuck them to death, you nasty, evil, God/Allah-hating butt-pirates!).
 If a Muslim/Islamic were to slip through the cracks and make it to Paradise, we’d KILL that freak where it stands and bloody the floors of Heaven…Their infidel bullshit will NOT be tolerated beyond this spirit scan, trust us on that fact…They’re already dead and don’t even realize that they never even existed because they were infidels who had to be destroyed by God/Allah.

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