Thursday, October 3, 2013

ObamaCare Creates Indian Jobs Denies Americans Meds!

Obama promised to create jobs. Well he did, in India, with ObamaCare which will dictate what medications Americans can have and from where. In America, doctors have quietly been being briefed on the new way they must approach prescribing medication to patients when ObamaCare goes into effect, which involves not prescribing anything stronger than Ultram for pain relief. Anyone who’s ever tried Ultram can tell you that it does not work for relieving pain. So (Hillarack, or do we name this dynamic duo Barillary?) Obama and Hillary expect to cause rising unnecessary pain levels across the nation (what IS it with that freak German lesbo jungle fever havin’ bitch and her desire to make Americans writhe in pain, anyway?).
So there’s yet another money angle for their deranged tyrannical treasonous terrorist attack called “ObamaCare” (kickbacks from Indian embargoes).
So Motuphi’s curse on chemical junkies worked a little too well, which caused Obama and Hillary to follow their greed, gluttony and power hunger right through the hoops of manifesting the consequences of it (is Obama being PAID for all this work he does for Motuphi by just acting naturally? Is it a conspiracy? Is Obama listening in on Motuphi’s rants and manifesting his curses? WTF? Oh, yeah, his kickbacks from insurance and generic drug companies in India would explain the dictator’s actions…).
So now Motuphi just has to curse the drug and insurance companies, their money, their staffers and employees and their families and collective economies, and India for allowing the piracy to be perpetuated by being greedy little dictator enablers; and NO one walks away a winner as a result of ObamaCare (since none of the Americans will benefit from it). It’s a protective curse that all Americans should be grateful for, being as “Barillary” (Obama and Hillary) could also want to be able to poison everyone who’s on prescription medications, at will, and that could be another reason why they’d want the market cornered on pharmaceuticals to the degree of controlling where they’re produced and come from (making sure it’s from far enough away to get away with ANYthing they decide to do)…
You already know you can’t trust ‘em now. And they’ll shoot ya’ dead in your cars and not even ask questions if you dare speed near your capital or fail to comply with their direct orders in a timely fashion (your news sounds familiar to another recent dictator regime that collapsed, can any Americans guess which one?). Looks like Motuphi may hafta curse D.C. and all of your government traitors directly just to protect the end time Elect of God. We know the spirit of the woman they murdered was already loosed back into the cosmos to get revenge on the killer cops and their bosses and families…
Comforting thoughts are the killer cops and their bloodlines in the time loops of judgement AS that woman being murdered by them (100,000 times EACH)…So they get to shoot their mamas and wives and daughters (in that woman’s body), 100,000 times each, in the time loops after this Earth Age ends (GLORious!). Killer cop bloodlines SHOULD be time looped and eternally executed…They’re just bullies with badges (like your president is a bully with presidential power, which transforms it into a deranged tyrannical dictatorship he’s too inferior to feel shame about). We already know there’ll be a contrived story of how she was a dangerous terrorist (But just who was she a threat to, the treasonous terrorist traitor in the White House who’s attacking your nation, which wouldn’t make her a hero? Sounds like “hope” again, because it’s not coming from within Obama nor Hillary, who had multiple loud, messy, splashy orgasms just thinking about these days when they could do this to your nation and get away with it…even now, Hillary needs time to ride her climactic waves of ecstasy from the rushes of power gushing through her body).
Yeah, it’s time for evil hands that wield evil pens of dictatorial power to wither away and turn to dust (or some equally evil cartoon-level retaliatory shit like that to match the cartoonish levels of crazed deranged tyrannical dictator antics that the joined-at-the-hip “Barillary Swirlons” resorted to with their “ObamaCare” scam/treasonous terrorist attack). Some would rather die than witness this shit…
America really DID stop being America when a “nigger got elected” (fuckin’ daughter-fucking KKK prophets had that shit right for CENturies, they were smarter than the retards who empowered that deranged tyrannical dictator thinking that having a “black” president would be liberating to their race…irony that’s completely lost on Obama and many American Blacks, who are as in the dark as Kunta was just before HE was abducted by a black for a white’s money and approval). Not even Motuphi could wake them up with all of his supernatural power, musical talent, superior flow and lyrical prowess…They were zombified and comatose beyond awakening or redemption. We watched from the sidelines and laughed.
Now, thanks to ObamaCare, you’re a nation of “test subjects” and “lab rats” disguised as “liberated” people. But don’t liberated people have choices about what products they buy and from whom? Oh, yeah, ya’ll wanna give up your American freedoms just to prove some “black” “shit” over there (freaks, you do know that they make black dildos and vibrators, don’t you? You don’t hafta let Obama ass-fuck you and your wives and daughters and mothers just to get your jollies and fulfill those “black massa” fetishes you’re all so hypnotized with…a buncha’ wannabe Hillary’s, want on Obama’s cock that bad, bad enough to give their kids’ liberty and nation away to ONE little wannabe dictator just because he appears to be black).

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