Wednesday, October 23, 2013

There Were No Decent Americans

Back in the early to mid-1990s, Motuphi was setting the Detroit area on fire with his public service announcement rap songs warning young people of the dangers of addictive substances like Crack Cocaine. One of those songs was entitled “Got Lost” and became a DJ favorite because it was so refreshing and unique. Motuphi’s songs were awesome original masterpieces that used his own and other Detroit musicians’ abilities to play real musical instruments in his songs. Motuphi’s songs made the American mainstream rap and hip-hop sound like whiny little ghetto schoolyard bullies with microphones.
Well, we all know that the Federal government dropped the ball against the “sleeper cell” creating American mainstream gangsta rappers because they were too busy criminalizing law-abiding citizens like David Koresh to go after REAL (armed) criminals. So that cowardice brought about a curse upon the Feds for participating in, enabling and turning a blind-eye to Black on White crime. This curse also effected the American economy, but we digress.
So, the Feds sanctioned creating “sleeper cells” to hunt down, torture and kill whitey using the radio airwaves to do so. They allowed the ghetto-bugs to kidnap radio station music programmers to get their mind-poison disguised as rap “songs” played on the airwaves. The gangstas now had rule of Lucifer’s airwaves (on HIS “turf” not theirs) to use to program even more Americans to become dope-fiends and monsters; so business was up, as white bitches were becoming dope slaves by the scores. Motuphi was the only opposition to this (retarded) “Black” movement. Lucifer was in another realm and unable to stop them because he’d been incarcerated more than 2,000 years prior. Motuphi knew he couldn’t win alone, but he was ordered by God, Christ and Lucifer to continue to try to recover their lost airwaves (by any means necessary). They’d at least be able to use the “seed” against them, later, if the ghetto-monsters never gave back what they never had the right to in the first place.
Motuphi was hot and people were going nuts over his rap and songs, being all original, and not samples. Motuphi made the mistake of allowing himself to be promoted and shopped to record labels on the coasts. Then those Black-faced-Caucasianistic, self-entitled, subhuman, “sleeper cell” creating mainstream gangsta niggers got wind that there was a “whiteboy” who could out-rap them, who could play musical instruments in Detroit, and he was writing rap songs AGAINST their dope trade!! They went ballistic: How DARE that whiteboy write rap songs against niggerism! They ran straightaway to get the best possible revenge they could find and signed Eminem to a record deal for spite. They spent the rest of the past 2 decades tormenting Motuphi by elevating every UNtalented poser they could find (and any white female “artist” who could do ass to mouth in the studio booth) to lucrative record deals and played their songs on the radio, even though they were nowhere as good as Motuphi’s songs. Even Motuphi’s PSA raps against drug abuse were far more entertaining than any rendering ever to come from that gangsta clique in music; but he’s always been a real musician who paid his dues while they were thieves and rogues who stole the shit with guns and violence and had no business holding professional equipment like microphones (they so readily abused).
So, for 2 decades, the American mainstream media (all of it, even your comedians) have been participating in this “sleeper cell” creation that has made America too dangerous for white people, women, children and animals. They were inferior to Motuphi and they proved with Tupac that they’d kill anyone who dares raise the bar above what their untalented poser rappers can hurdle. They even desecrated the genre with rap “battles” (ghetto-minded dissing and “nigga” spewings that intelligent minds can’t do because they have too many options in their vocabularies to be able to put sentences together that quick-ergo-rap battles can only be done by stupid people with limited vocabularies who’re only adept at making fun of others and are good for nothing else on the planet).
There were others that listened to God, Christ and Lucifer, too; and they obeyed their orders and promoted Motuphi to the American mainstream people, to millionaires, to billionaires, and anyone else in America who had the power to help them empower Motuphi to his rightful position above any poser wannabe “rapper” who has to write mean, violent, weak-minded, ghetto shit encouraging “lesserism” and violence to sell CDs and have a career in music. Everyone in America who had the power to change the gangstas’ decision (that Motuphi would die in obscurity for defying them) was repeatedly presented with opportunities to sign Motuphi over the years. EVERYone was contacted: Arsenio, Madonna, Oprah, Rosie, Ellen, Tyler Perry, and everyone in-between (everyone who was famous was approached or made known of Motuphi). We all came to the conclusion that Oprah, Ellen and Tyler must’ve been lying about being molested, since they were participants to creating violent rapists out of young impressionable people via their collective omission to make them some millions empowering Motuphi to be a voice of reason in the constant “sleeper cell” creating madness.
So, when you ask yourself why America is the shit-hole violent ghetto it’s become where it’s unsafe for white people, women, children or domestic animals, you can blame the participants to mayhem you all were misled to believe were so “wholesome” and “family oriented”…Yeah, tell that to Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom (and MILLIONS more white victims just like them in America). You can look at the Forbes passive terrorist list from an educated perspective once you see that they couldn’t even be paid MILLIONS to defy the mentality that made it unsafe for Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom in their own neighborhoods.
The verdict is in: There are no decent Americans in power or with money, not even one. So they and their bloodlines can reap what they sowed with those seeds of omission and be cast into the time loops AS Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, and all other victims of gang-related or Black on White violence and crime (which, ironically, they helped to perpetuate by turning Motuphi away even though he was more talented than the competition in the mainstream and they would’ve made big money from it)…and then they can be eternally executed to protect the New Earth from their “infections” (of self-importance and self-absorption) that gave the “sleeper cell” creators the upper hand over God, Christ, Lucifer and Motuphi…
Seems like there’s a prophecy that depicts this scenario and what would happen if it were to play out like this…Oh, yeah: the “back-up plan” prophecy that ends with a super nova and no intervention against the time loops of judgement (Motuphi just collects them ALL for the loops and Lucifer and Christ never “battle” it out for the “bride” of Christ)….a fitting end for THEM; but no one in our nation ever really liked any of that American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating, subhuman, mind-poison; so it’s not fair to US. In our nation, everyone’s too smart to relate to their infantile, ghetto-fabulous, materialistic, arrogant, asinine “role models”. We shouldn’t have to pay the same consequence as a nation that gave itself to monsters so vile it’d be an insult to anything you dare compare them to (to compare them to animals insults animals, who’re more civilized, as we can plainly see).
But we’re decent enough over here that we’d gladly die if that’s the only way to thwart the agendas of the American mainstream “sleeper cell” creators, which is something we have over all of the American population, their wealthy, their celebs, and all in power over there, who wouldn’t do the right thing by the rest of the world (or themselves) even though it would’ve made them more wealthy and put them in a position of power beyond this Earth Age (instead of committed to time loops of judgement and then eternal execution). The Americans have too much constant (as in 24/7/365) writhing in pain, unnecessarily, at the hands of monsters they never should’ve allowed to be born (and are failing God by not executing, even now, which is enabling them), and they’re not even red-faced about it (“neither can they blush”).
There was one important American who couldn’t get empowered by a bunch of UN-important, (yet arrogantly) self-important monster empowering bugs that proved no one who has wealth or power in America should have it…They murder white people for sport…They initiated it with Motuphi’s demise, a reward/punishment for writing GOOD songs their nation and children needed to hear…Americans dictated that it was more important for Eminem to have dope, and for zombie-slave-clones like Kanye and Jay-Z and their nasty hoes to have material bullshit than it was for Motuphi to have what was rightfully his the whole time to combat their mentality that got Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom (and MILLIONS more white Americans just like them) raped, tortured and murdered for “sport” and millions of decent Black kids (who were trapped in ghettos) killed by thugs and gangstas American government dropped the ball of exterminating.
There was not even one famous person who claimed to be from Detroit who really was from Detroit. Surely they didn’t let white people be killed for sport just because they’re professionally jealous of Motuphi’s superior muse, did they? We never listen to anyone who claims to be from Detroit anymore for just that reason: They were too inferior to Motuphi to reach down and pull him up, too afraid his awesome muse would shadow their own and that’s the truth of why anyone famous from Detroit never exploited Motuphi’s talent and made them some millions for empowering the REAL Detroit shit.
So they were cowardly posers who ran and cowered in the corner when presented with an opportunity to defy the mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones. Yes, they all should be time looped as every victim Motuphi was unable to rescue (we DO agree with that). And, the more power and money they had to empower Motuphi, the more time loops they should have to endure when they die (we also agree with that). But the super nova should be changed to solar flares that cause the American continent to get swallowed up by the sea (they planted the seeds with fracking, so it’s not a stretch of the imagination to make it feasible). Then their Black-faced-Caucasianistic, self-entitled, subhuman, “sleeper cell” creating, monster encouraging niggers can finally be introduced to their time loops of judgement AS Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter and all other victims of Black on White violence and crime (as well as all Black victims of gang-related crime) and be robbed of time of THEIR Earth lives (for a change) while others are allowed to enjoy the planet (so they instantly reap what they sowed, even on a temporal level, here in the spirit scan).
That’d be a bigger jab and story to take into Heaven and the New World: Then the story-line would be more like: The monsters Motuphi defeated in the spirit scan (to protect us in the future/now) were so vile that the land couldn’t bear to hold them and it crumbled beneath them and their atrocities, causing the Earth to swallow them all up. That’d be so beautiful to witness. Even the angels would shed tears of joy at all of the unnecessary suffering that could be stopped on Earth by crumbling just that one evil consumed continent (then we can focus on exterminating those Muslim/Islamic infidels and their monsters). If Motuphi is really the only one in America “awake” enough to wanna combat what they’ve got going over there, let’s just rescue him from America and then God can crumble it and fulfill that prophecy they wanna fulfill so badly.

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