Monday, October 21, 2013

The Most Used Time Loop Of Judgement

When Motuphi heard of the story of Hugh Newsom and Channon Christian, he had to be reigned back. He actually went on a “mission” to find an automatic weapon to start exterminating the “sleeper cells” before they could do anything else similar to it. It became the time loop that he’d “for sure” put everyone in who could’ve empowered him in the music and entertainment industries and everyone who cock-blocked him from being able to be the voice of reason against the gangsta retardation and racially charged hatred being spewed from the posers who couldn’t sell CDs any other way.
Motuphi enacted a spiritual law that any “rapper” who wrote lyrics glamorizing or depicting violence against white people, especially women and children, would have to endure the Channon Christian/Hugh Newsom time loops an additional 100,000 times each and the same law applies to those rappers’ fans (“sleeper cells”) and all of their collective bloodlines, especially their mamas. This is when it was tossed up that maybe Motuphi would just cause there to never be slavery in America and then the descendants of slaves won’t ever exist to spawn the Black-faced-Caucasianistic, self-entitled, subhuman, ghetto-monster niggers that formed those gangs in the 1960s (on the coasts) that fucked the whole world up and made the whole continent a disgusting, dangerous jungle.
Motuphi decided that it’d be best for Eminem and his bloodline, including his daughter and incredibly whack, chemical toilet ex-wife, to endure time loops as Channon Christian and Hugh Christopher Newsom since Eminem was under the delusion that it was more important for him to be rich and famous so he could empower more ghetto-fabulous gangstas, live a lavish lifestyle, and be a junkie than it was for Motuphi to be able to thwart the retardation and build animal sanctuaries. Had Eminem been a little less of a bitch and signed Motuphi way back when he first cock-blocked him, then perhaps there would’ve been a voice of reason against the mentality that made it acceptable to rape and torture white people for sport, and then maybe there wouldn’t be the Channon Christian/Hugh Newsom time loops to endure.
Eminem was partially responsible for their deaths, much like Madonna, Ellen, Oprah and Tyler Perry, who all turned Motuphi away when he was presented to them to empower him by exploiting his awesome talent (that makes Eminem’s shit look like a retard’s meanderings), which is why they and all of their bloodlines and fans will be required to endure the time loops of judgement AS Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom as they’re being raped, tortured and murdered. Motuphi promised to erase that time loop, by any means necessary, and to make everyone who could’ve intervened against it with him pay for allowing it with their own self-importance…They didn’t help rescue Channon and Hugh, so they’re not important or special (they don’t exist).
So, Li’l Wayne wrote songs about pounding pussy and women being “bitches” and “hoes”. Now he gets to be Channon Christian and how many MILLIONS of other American white girls just like her (now).
That fool who was such a poser who wrote lyrics saying “I can’t stop killing the white bitch” gets to be Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom an extra 200,000 times each for writing such whack shit.
Ghostface Killa didn’t know that God, Lucifer and Motuphi are Ghostface Killa KILLAs…Now that fool gets to be every victim of Black on white violence (and so does his nasty monster spawning mama) 100,000 times per victim per offense, each…Hope Ghostface has some family he loves and cares about, so he can watch them be tortured as Hugh and Channon, too. Motuphi may opt to place every American Black who made a habit of saying “cracker” and “nigga” into the Channon Christian/Hugh Newsom time loops for the crime of feeding the hatred that spawned the violence.
"Equality" is now expected of the American Blacks and not just lip service. A curse and devils and angels and spirits of Black on white violence go forth into Earth to find and attach themselves to all Blacks who dare be racist or bigoted or say "cracker" and yet expect whitey not to say "nigger". If you’re an American Black and you want to live by a double standard that favors YOU, then you’re fuckin’ cursed now and eternally executed later (good riddance, nigger). You’re no longer allowed to abide by double standards if you’re an American Black. No more racism will be allowed from the Blacks: what you expected of the whites you must first deliver as an example now, or shut the fuck up and accept the fact that you’re inferior subhumans already!
 Looks like they fucked-up, BIG time, this time. Maybe they should’ve took their nappy asses to school and got themselves educations and jobs instead of gang-banging, committing themselves and their nasty mamas to time loops of judgement as victims of violence and then eternal execution.
Here’s how shit’s gonna play-out soon:
Lucifer (Satan) never condoned desecrating his craft with songs about violence, or for posers who cannot play musical instruments or sing (or rap) to make livings as musicians and music “artists”. And he especially would never condone cock-blocking Motuphi with the likes of what they’ve been pimping on the airwaves for 2 decades now. Therefore, after all of this plays out, Lucifer is going to grant Motuphi his own share of their eternal wealth as a form of tribute (when it’s all over with). A delegation of authority, so to speak (giving Motuphi his “light” work).
A good footnote here would be: Motuphi may be required to portray a prophet who stands against Lucifer if the real Elias chickens-out. Just as Motuphi may have to portray the male prostitute if he chickens out. Motuphi is a “supervisor” and supervisors can usually do everything that those they supervise can do in case of absenteeism. So we may see Motuphi portraying a famous prophetic figure if one of them drops the ball or refuses to step up to the plate. It doesn’t mean that he was the entity he’s portraying the whole time, for those who don’t know that.
But first: Lucifer may have to appear to forgive the American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones so he can convincingly portray himself as Jesus Christ (the Son of God/Allah). Lucifer knows that he only has a growing season to enjoy his rule/reign and then he must take a dive in the battle of Armageddon to play his part in God’s little end time play (much like Judas Iscariot was in cahoots with Christ to fulfill prophecy). So Lucifer may opt to wait the few months he has as Messiah on Earth and then Motuphi will be in charge of their (no longer) eternal spirits (“the wages of sin is eternal spiritual death”). But understand that the seeds were already sown that granted Motuphi authority over his enemies on Earth: Much like Abraham sowed the seed for Christ to be sacrificed by God with his willingness to sacrifice his own son, Isaac, the American mainstream cock-blockers sowed the seeds that give Motuphi authority to block them from the New Earth and place them (instead) in the time loops of judgement as their victims (everyone and everything that they cock-blocked Motuphi from rescuing with their “empty” self-serving fame).
It’s already been decided that the gangstas don’t exist (not even now) because they’re committed to time loops of judgement (after they die) and then eternal execution for their atrocities and for trespassing on the ”turf” belonging to God , Lucifer and Motuphi (Earth) with their gang-related operations and activities (which they never payed Motuphi tribute for). Every gangsta who ever walked on the American continent (Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Russian, Columbian, Italian, etc) will be eternally executed after this Earth Age for the incidents like the Channon Christian/Hugh Newsom tortures and murders and the animal cruelty American gangstas are so notorious for (now they get to fight their own mamas and daughters in them dogs before they have to be the dogs, themselves).
The Channon Christian/Hugh Newsom murders were when Motuphi had to accept defeat, that the Black-faced-Caucasianistic, self-entitled, subhuman, “sleeper cell” creators in the mainstream caused massive amounts of eternal executions for programming them to violence against God’s creations (they literally eternally killed themselves and their fans). Motuphi moved to northern Michigan immediately after their murders and loosed curses, devils, angels and all of the spirits of all of the victims of gang violence in America from the 1960s until the present into the cosmos to avenge themselves, him and the animals they harm. Plus, the decree went forth that they were committed to time loops of judgement and eternally executed after they die here.
 So the American niggers are a minority again somewhere (but not in America, where they pack ghetto project buildings like violent little blood-thirsty rapist ants in ant farms): The number of spirits of victims of gang violence and Black on white violence loosed back into the cosmos to rid the world of the American mainstream “sleeper cell” creators and all gang bangers (by any means necessary) outnumbers them now. There’s hundreds of millions of victims (which includes women, children and animals). God, Lucifer, Christ and Motuphi don’t want spirits like those who did the victimization of this army of enraged murder victims in the New Earth to contaminate that world like they did this one with their “infections” (that caused so much unnecessary suffering); so they’re not graduating from this spirit scan disguised as a fun-house ride (where they thought they were getting away with murder because they didn’t understand the “do unto others” clause of the contract they agreed to when they came to Earth as humans).
 Looks like a whole lotta American niggers are gonna know what it was like to be Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom…Better get to know their story so you know what to expect if you’re a mainstream “sleeper cell” creator or a fan of any mainstream “sleeper cell” creators (like all gangsta rappers qualify). It goes without saying that all who sabotaged and hindered Motuphi (and passed over him to empower others) are already committed to the time loops as Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom and all others Motuphi was unable to rescue or offer intervention for; which would include all of the white devils who attacked him (like even the junkie bitch on the coast who forwarded hater emails that were supposedly from him to try to stir up shit and enemies against him) and the monsters in his family (and their friends) and in the churches who were always molesting his life. Yeah, there’s a lotta white people in America going into the time loops Motuphi was trying to stop from being created, too. It’s not just a “Black” thing, more like an American “monster” thing.

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