Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hollywood Stuntz Biker Gang Cursed & Eternally Executed

We all saw the story of the American subhuman bikers who fucked with a couple on the road who were minding their own business…Well, Christopher Cruz got his own nasty monster-spawning mama bruised, as she’ll be in the body of that road rage victim 100,000 times during his beat-down (ha-ha).
Smart-assed little humanized subhumans are getting themselves eternally executed with their brass “sleeper cell” behavior at alarming rates, these days, thanks to the American mainstream programming. Your last 4 treasonous traitor terrorists disguised as presidents aren’t the only ones on the list, by any means (just the most notorious, that’s all). Now, it doesn’t matter what anyone does to a Hollywood Stuntz member because none of them, nor their families (nor anyone who even LIKES any of them) even exists anymore (once they’re eternally executed in the future this memory of this story in everyone’s mind will be erased because it’ll be as if they never existed, at all) and it’s a good thing, too: Because this batch of curses that got thrown at them is gonna cause “sleeper cells” to wanna violently engage them (and poor innocent bikers) without even knowing why they’re doing it: like armed gunmen and women may suddenly shoot at them, involuntarily, or people may become inclined to drive their vehicles over them, involuntarily, as the spirit of “demise” takes control of their lives for daring to risk endangering one of God’s end time Elect (being as the subhuman thuggy bikers had no clue as to whether or not any of the Elect were in the SUV)…
These are the new parameters in Earth to “sweep” the “killing floors” (so to speak): If a human engages in behavior that causes harm, hurt, or hindrance to ANY entity that they don’t personally know to be a threat to other entities (or their liberties), then they’ll be regarded as guilty of ignoring the scripture that instructs everyone to "treat all strangers as potential angels in disguise (and never cause unnecessary, unprovoked harm or hindrance to them)", a passage designed to protect and empower the end time Elect. Those retarded-assed bikers violated that parameter on Earth, which has now solidified stronger than gravity in intensity and strength (it’s unsafe to torture or neglect animals under these parameters, too, and sexual subjugation and abuse of children and women is also covered, so Kobe will be raping his mama in time loops soon enough, just as all who’re like him).
These are just the kinds of stories God/Allah needed an angelic agent like Motuphi on Earth to combat:
Stories of: tax breaks for wealthy owners of the government (the 1-percentile) while pillaging the common working population.
Stories of gestapo governments forcing citizens to buy products like healthcare to satisfy the demented whims of a molested little healthcare mosquito who still can’t get over her childhood abuse (Hillary, we’ll know more and more about you as more of your spirit memory is broadcast, like Obama’s and Bush’s, in the throne room on jumbotrons that make your Earth jumbotrons look like Triscuit snack crackers…more of your spirit memories get displayed with every second that your treasonous terrorist attack on America labeled “ObamaCare” is in effect…we’ll stop reading your memories aloud when you stop doing what you’re doing, first: So you better get with Obama and UNdo whatever it is you did to him or we keep reading away and showing the world “why” you attacked them).
Stories of: Chemical attacks on populations by dictators. Rapists running the streets in gangs, snatching up women and gang-raping them for “sport”.
Torturing horses to make them walk funny, in a manner no one would ever want to see a horse walk unless they’re inbredded (Tennessee high steppers or some lame shit not worth torturing an animal to make it do).
Stories of: Junkies creating a demand for dope that’s causing all the decent hardworking population of a neighboring country (Mexico) to be victimized, pillaged, raped and murdered by the subhumans in the cartels that travel through their lands on their way to supply the American dregs. Americans have no shame and then they actually make it harder for people to avoid those chemicals by fucking with potheads…It’s like the government has their law enforcement programmed to attract negative karma to their nation, because they never do the right thing. Then Motuphi has to go and curse every dollar they spend on marijuana stings and operations (like the money they extort from you to fly helicopters around looking for pot that they’re just gonna burn for sheer meanness, well every dollar of that now costs $100,091 per dollar all the way up to the Oval Office: We don’t know how Motuphi came to that figure, but that’s what fucking with marijuana costs your government now: $100,091 for every dollar they use on marijuana busts and investigations (to combat the mentality that they’ll fuck with potheads and allow the criminals and heavy drug abusers to go free).
Stories of: Muslim/Islamic infidels distracting from the U.N. funded Bosnian sex slave trafficking with their crybaby shit over ONE man back in ‘80 (their dying rapist dictator shah, who’s in the time loops now AS all of his victims, 100,000 times per victim per offense), which enabled the kidnap, torture, enslavement and then murder of thousands of Bosnian children (they can’t show you in the movies all of the tortures those girls endured, like being anally raped with jagged pipes and then how they writhed in pain for hours and finally died from internal injuries). This is what the hostage crisis was designed to divert attention from, so these atrocities could be perpetuated, unchecked. It was very successful and many Bosnian child sex slaves were tortured to death as a result of it…Gotta wonder who created the demand for all of those child sex slaves and how they’re gonna react when they’ve gotta BE those sex slaves in time loops (100,000 times per victim per offense EACH) or how they’ll react to having the spirits of their mothers, daughters and wives being placed in those sex slaves bodies for the duration of each of their ordeals, which includes the encounters they had with the slaves, themselves (they’ve be fucking their own mothers, daughters and wives in the bodies of those sex slaves 100,000 times over, each). That’s what all who created a demand for those sex slaves has to look forward to, as well as the traffickers themselves, and those who distracted from it (like the Muslim/Islamic infidels) and all who knew about it and didn’t interevene…diabolical returns for atrocious behavior, huh? Now you just love God and Motuphi, don’t ya, now that you know it’s a spirit scan and nobody got away with ANYthing on Earth (because it’s all recorded in UNdeleteable spirit memories)?

Stories of: Muslim/Islamic pedophiles raping child “brides” to death, as they fuck little 8-year old girls under some sick perverted religious sanction made-up by their pedophile false prophet (those fucks should be burned at stakes)…Anyone who follows those teachings is a pedophile enabler, at the very least, even if they’re not a “practicing” direct pedophile. By following the teachings of the molested-as-a-child false prophet Mohammad (did we spell that fool’s name right?) they stand for the beliefs that little girls should be married and fucked to death, and this has been going on for hundreds of years, UNchallenged, with religious freedoms to do this shit in the United States of America (until God sent a REAL prophet He dubbed Motuphi to point at it and say “NO-NO, that’s a BAD infidel, don’t put your weenies in little children”).

Americans have special laws for different people: If they’re R Kelly or some other Black-faced Caucasianistic, self-entitled nigger who wants to film kiddie porn of hate crimes against little white girls (gang-banging them and pissing on them), then the American Feds say it’s okay. If the Muslims/Islamics wanna fuck their little daughters to death as child “brides”, they can do so in the states with the blessing of the government (so long as they keep funneling that money in). But don’t let someone who’s white, American and 18 years old be caught fucking his still underage girlfriend who’s about 15 or 16, because that’s “statutory rape”…??? Anyone else “seeing” this shit, or are ya’ zombified like them Americans? The double standards attracted the attention of God/Allah and Christ and Lucifer…and Motuphi (oops, better run!), because he’s not as forgiving as the rest of ‘em.
American laws are not for everyone. They’re “selective”. They play favorites and deny justice across the board…Which is why God had to intervene and take over…Like the Feds had to take over Detroit and the city must now answer to a higher power, God sent Motuphi to take over the run-amok government of America and if they don’t submit to his authority and his ideals for how the American population should be treated (by GOD’s standards, not man’s), then they just won’t be allowed to operate anymore (something will keep happening to them to thwart their agendas, every time and, just when they think their shit is gonna fly again, it’ll blow up in their faces, every time; just watch this shit play out and see).

The world needed an entity that couldn’t be bought-off, like Motuphi, to level the playing field: If American law denies justice, Motuphi’s energy will bring about higher justice that may be more devastating and will even punish those who participated in the initial deterrence of justice. The treasonous traitors may steal the Americans' money for awhile, but the curses upon every ill-gotten dollar will bring about such horrible tragedies and hardships to their lives and families that no one who made a dollar from it will enjoy even a penny of it and neither will their bloodlines (who got time looped and eternally executed for it). You’ll get to see the Obamas, Clintons and their crony insurance company owners and their families suffering, unable to enjoy the planet; just like they made it for so many MILLIONS of other entities God/Allah created and never gave them the right to fuck with. When you fuck with one of the Elect, even indirectly, you get on God’s bad side and He tends to get pissed-off and counterattack on their behalf (just ask any who dared defy Motuphi, like his nasty, drunken-junkie-pedophile-enabling, religious fanatic, inbred family and their friends, who’re so notorious for attacking Motuphi and his wife and sabotaging their lives and then having to endure hardships for their attacks that they never seemed to learn from).
Yeah, with humans being so obviously easily distracted and bought-off from the issues, it’s a good thing that God/Allah sent an angel in disguise to Earth who couldn’t be distracted from the eternal agenda or bought-off with temporal fun-house ride tokens (like your mainstream cock-blockers to real talent like Motuphi).
Needless to say, it’d be better for these bikers to just find painless or quick ways to commit suicide rather than to risk writhing in agonizing pain on their way out…Because: They’re on their way out, now, regardless (by any means necessary). That’s something they can’t stop: the boomerang effect of all energy sent forth on Earth now (better watch what ya’ pay forward from now on). Not a loss: The world’s a better place without bullies of any kind, especially molested-minded bullies who roll down the road in packs and herds, attacking innocent people who’re minding their own business. Good riddance, bikers…hope your mamas’ pussies feel good (nasty bitches that’d spawn such horrific human wreckage).
FUCK bikers…and the bikes they rode IN on!!
check out the story below
 A terrifying road rage incident involving a gang of bikers on Manhattan’s west side has gone viral on the web after video of the incident surfaced online.
The New York City Police Department said a man driving a Range Rover with his wife and 2-year-old daughter inside Sunday struck a motorcyclist on Manhattan’s West Side Highway, breaking his leg.
"It was an accident," says Lt. Karen Anderson.
The SUV driver pulled over, and the bikers surrounded his vehicle, hitting it and spiking the tires, police said. The driver pulled away, hitting three more bikers in the process, police said.
The gang, called “Hollywood Stuntz,” according to police, chased the man, and he was forced to stop because of flat tires.
The SUV driver was cornered and beaten, according to police. He was later treated at a local hospital for slashes to his face and released. His wife and child were not injured.
One biker who was struck by the SUV, 28-year-old Christopher Cruz, was arrested and faces several charges, including reckless endangerment, reckless driving and endangering the welfare of a child, police said.
Authorities have not identified the people in the SUV.
A helmet camera one of the bikers was wearing captured much of the road rage incident, including the moment when one of the bikers walks up to the SUV and smashes its window with a bike helmet. The video has been posted online.
Police say this same group of bikers descended on New York City and clogged up Times Square last year in what Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said is a “major stunt event.”
Authorities say they were able to prevent the group from entering Times Square this year. Police arrested 15 bikers in total Sunday, seized 55 bikes and wrote 68 summons for various violations.
They are looking at video footage to try to determine if any other charges will be filed in the road rage incident.
"The investigation is ongoing," Kelly said.

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