Thursday, October 10, 2013

Cee Lo Greene Date rapes His Own Mama In Time Loops of Judgement!

Motuphi warned them that they can’t have cheap, nasty, curse magnets for role models in their nation, yet they keep heaping the curses upon themselves with the likes of R Kelly, Kobe, and now Cee Lo Greene. Doesn’t Cee Lo have enough millions from his share of that ill-gotten gain the American mainstream nets (from cock-blocking REAL talent like Motuphi) to be able to afford a prostitute? Oh, yeah, the “diminished capacity” (curse from God/Allah) that controls ALL untalented American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones and their “sleeper cell” fans makes them unable to make proper decisions like paying for sex to keep the curses of the slut away from them and their households, or empowering Motuphi to negate their stance as one of “them” (the cock-blockers to REAL talent who’re distracting from Motuphi’s real talent with their lame, insipid ghetto-fabulous mind-molestation disguised as “music”, who got themselves, their fans, their families and collective economies cursed, time looped and eternally executed for their poser-ism, materialism, unfounded arrogance, self-absorption, “sleeper cell” creation and cock-blocking of the more talented than them).
Cee Lo Greene and his nasty, rapist-spawning mama must not know that they’re on a spirit scan disguised as a fun-house ride. So, like so many billions of eternally executed spirits from this final generation, they didn’t know the parameters regarding their behavior towards others while on Earth (the spirit scan/Motuphi’s “turf”). They both violated the “treat others as you want to be treated (in the time loops of judgement)” clause (scripture), not knowing the consequences for rape and for raising and spawning a rapist. They were warned not to rape others and not to spawn and raise up rapists and turn them loose on society, but they denied the existence of God (and HIS authority on HIS “turf”) and did so, anyway.
The consequences for that will be Cee Lo will endure the time loops as every victim he violated (and all any of his fans/”sleeper cells” raped following his example), 100,000 times per victim per offense (before being eternally executed). But before Cee Lo gets cast into the loops as those victims, his mother must first be placed in the loops as those victims, being raped by her son and/or his “sleeper cell” fans (as the case may be). It’s the same parameters as the rest of them (American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones) must abide by, and not believing in it doesn’t rescue them from it (just like not believing in gravity won’t save them from falling).
Remember that you can help us empower Motuphi. You can make a statement that you disagree with the American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones and defy their genocidal agenda while helping to fund a movement that’ll have the untalented American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones scurrying for cover. We’ve placed a donation button on that we pirated from one of Motuphi’s wife’s sites that leads to their paypal account. I’m sure that Motuphi will repay you out of the American mainstream “sleeper cell” creators’ collective forfeited “wealth of the wicked” when he’s distributing it in the New Earth, long after the American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones (and their fans and families) have been looped, eternally executed and forgotten by all (only to exist as fictional legendary monsters that Motuphi conquered in this Earth Age to protect us ALL in the New Earth).
It appears as though America really needed to shut the mouths of all of their mainstream fools long enough for everyone in their butt-rape nation to listen to a few words of wisdom from Motuphi for awhile, the only real rapper and musician in America who really mattered (yeah, the one all of their posers collectively cock-block with their nasty conspiracy to prolong the suffering on Earth by preventing prophecies from manifesting, which ironically manifests a “back-up” prophecy known by science as a super nova to stop them “dead” in their tracks…which is humorous in its irony)…
Now: The rules have changed for American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones…Thanks to empowering materialistic bugs as role models and celebs, and movies like “Get Rich Or Die Trying” to program “sleeper cells” to kill innocent citizens (for “sport”), Motuphi, God and Lucifer created their own diabolical theme in response to that shit happening on THEIR “turf” (the whole goddamned EARTH, fools): That new law they all must abide by is this: “Give Motuphi your ill-gotten riches or start dying!”
The news will start reflecting that this is “law”, soon enough…Any attempt by them to harm or hinder Motuphi will only result in faster punishment and collection of the debt: Their gang of American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating zombie-slave-clones owes their government for the FCC violations repeatedly committed since the inception of gangsta rap and an inferior, subhuman demographic into their mainstream that had subhuman bugs disguised as “DJs” desecrating the craft and shitting where they eat by trading radio airplay to female music “artists” in exchange for sex that WILL be repaid (by any means necessary)…They also owe GOD HIS 10 percent of everything they ever made that they’ve been robbing HIM of (which gave Him, Lucifer and Motuphi authority over them: how DARE they come to someone else’s “turf” and spill innocent blood for ill-gotten gain and not pay tribute to the ruling GodFather of the PLANET for that ill-assed subhuman shit!). What a bunch of disgusting fools they’ve become and they’re too weak-minded to “see” it.
Below is the donate button you came here looking for. It should have ELMC at the top of the page to signify it's really theirs.

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