Tuesday, October 22, 2013

ObamaCare Consequences

The reverse discrimination and coddling of Obama just because he’s Black has ended. ObamaCare never would’ve been tolerated by a white man for this long, which is why Hillary could never find a white politician to stoop to her level and enact it. ObamaCare is nothing less than strong-arm robbery by the government, because it’s forcing citizens of a democracy (well it was before the inferior-raced “president”) to purchase a product from its owners. That’s why all lobbyists got cursed to eternal execution AFTER enduring time loops AS Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom (100,000 time EACH) after they die here, because they changed the agendas of American government from FOR the people to AGAINST the people for some wealthy white gluttons who just can’t get enough.
If ObamaCare wasn’t a rip-off then it would be allowed to slide. But the fact is that Obama is forcing Americans to purchase insurance they don’t want and they don’t want it for REASONS HE CANNOT UNDERSTAND: Insurance is USELESS to poor people ever since Hillary fucked with healthcare the FIRST time (back in the 1990s), while Americans were all distracted with the smoke and mirrors of a fat nasty slut keeping Hillary’s husband and the nation occupied while she attacked all decent Americans (like a mean old lesbian bully). Fact is, no matter how inexpensive the premiums, healthcare insurance has been manipulated into a stacked deck against the average poor American, who does NOT have an extra $1,000-10,000 just laying around to cover deductibles if they get sick. This fact makes the “affordable” insurance Obama’s selling you useless, because healthcare will STILL be UN-affordable, so Obama is forcing Americans to buy a “brick in a box”.
ObamaCare is a scam and to force Americans to buy it is a treasonous terrorist attack (plain and simple, nothing else can be said about it and nothing defends it). Under American LAW (read it), Obama is now required to step down from his office (you’re required to impeach him and failing to do so is gonna net you some more curses upon your nation and people). To fail to impeach Obama now is reverse discrimination. It’s like saying you won’t impeach him because he’s of an inferior race and too subhuman and weak-minded to be expected to “get it” or understand that he violated all of the common parameters of a president and is no longer qualified for the office. READ YOUR LAWS, Americans. You’ll see that your constitution provided provisions for getting rid of dictators like “Barillary Swirlons”, the dynamic treasonous terrorist duo comprised of Obama and Hillary Clinton (salivating over your money and demises). Obama violates your laws and constitution: No one governmental official can dictate that the whole nation must abide by something. And your constitution also protects you from ObamaCare, because your government canNOT implement “laws” that you must “buy” services or products to enjoy your American freedoms. As Americans, you’re required to pay your taxes and obey the laws that keep all living in peace (something no American nigger seems able to do, not even your clown-shoes nigger for a “president”). Nowhere in your constitution does it state that you can be penalized for not buying a product (refuse to pay taxes until ObamaCare is abolished, they can’t force you to work, go on welfare, fight back, stop working, make the subhuman nigger dictator who’s too inferior to just be a president pay before God strikes your whole fuckin’ NATION for it!).
Obama’s taking advantage of the fact that poor Americans who don’t have insurance don’t understand how it works and therefore do not know that they still won’t be covered for treatments or doctor visits or procedures until their outrageously high deductibles are paid, no matter what “plan” they choose. ObamaCare is like a car you can’t drive, because it has no engine. Obama does not care.
Maybe American niggers are just too inferior and subhuman to care or have a common sense of shame is why Obama doesn’t even blush about publicly and openly shoving his dirty, grabby, nigger hands into all of your plates like that. Like the nigger bully on the comedy show who walks over and just TAKES your food off of your plate with no sense of shame about it because he just doesn’t “get it”, Obama has become the stereotypical nigger thug and you should’ve known that by his choices of who to invite to the white house, no more caps required until a new one is built that didn’t have dope-dealing thugs in it all repped as role models for children and loved by the aHEM! “president”.
So let’s remind Obama about the consequences of ObamaCare to HIM and HIS family for a change, since he obviously cares nothing about the Americans he’s stealing from:
ObamaCare caused a curse to go forth upon the American government, its economy and all of its agendas until ObamaCare is abolished. God forbid a small nation like North Korea decide to take over America during this ObamaCare “occupation”, because the agenda to protect themselves would fail and Americans would go from a Black dictator to a yellow one…
ALL American agendas will fail until ObamaCare is abolished. Someone as UN-American as Obama won’t care about that one, though. So let’s remind him of how the money he thinks he’s gonna make from this combination scam/treasonous terrorist plot is gonna be effected: For every dollar ObamaCare pillages from the American population, a curse goes forth to make that dollar cost the American government $100,091 (per every ill-gotten ObamaCare generated dollar). Under the parameters of this curse (more real and powerful than gravity), America is doomed to shutdown due to economic woes if the American inferior-raced dictator remains subhuman enough to continue to defy God, Christ, Lucifer and Motuphi (whose “turf” he’s on) with his deranged terrorist plot against the poor end time Elect still trapped in America…Until ALL of God’s Elect have been liberated from America, all who compromise their playing field are cursed and so are their agendas of oppression (Obama, you’re not allowed to afflict God’s end time Elect, you’re reminded for this FINAL time). God said “touch NOT MY anointed”, which means don’t even strong-arm rob them!
Now let’s remind them of what awaits them when they die (when their Earthsuits expire):
Motuphi has committed all who voted for Obama and his deranged healthcare scam, as well as all who empowered it, to time loops of judgement AS Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom (100,000 times EACH). So Obama, Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and the rest of the treasonous traitors in D.C. who voted for ObamaCare need to envision themselves and their loved ones in that couples’ bodies during their final hours on Earth, then being committed to their own loops (the loops caused by their own wrongdoings and decisions as Earthlings at a rate of 100,000 time loops per victim per offense, each) before they’re finally eternally executed to protect the sanctity and peace of Heaven and the New Earth.
The cost for giving in to Obama’s demands will be very costly, very soon (as soon as we can super nova your sun to stop the American monsters and the passive terrorists on the Forbes Fortune list in their tracks). All who buy ObamaCare sell their eternal spirits into time loops of judgement. And everyone committed to time loops of judgement over any American “Black” issues automatically goes into the time loops AS Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom on the night their paths crossed with inferior, monstrous, subhuman little ghetto-fabulous American niggers…This is in addition to any loops they may’ve committed themselves to with their own behavior other than encouraging a dictator to afflict the end time Elect.
Don’t doubt for a minute that these are facts. Just as the perpetrators in the American mainstream media (from music to comedy and all in-between) are committed to time loops of judgement, which will include the Channon Christian/Hugh Newsom time loops, for their participation in cock-blocking Motuphi (which ultimately led to and enabled the mentality and events that led to that couples’ demise). In light of these facts, their comedians don’t look so smart anymore: They may’ve had a good time making fun of Motuphi all of these years, but those un-deleteable spirit memories are evidence against them in the participation of creating the “jungle” atmosphere in America that made it unsafe for Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom on Earth in their own neighborhood. They made the world as dangerous for themselves and their families as they made it for Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom when they cock-blocked Motuphi and enabled gangsta rap instead…Gangsta rap created the jungle atmosphere in America that got all of the decent people victimized. ergo: There’s not one gangsta nor gangsta rapper (nor any of their families or monster-spawning mamas) who’ll escape the time loops of judgement…not even one. And among those time loops is the Channon Christian/Hugh Newsom rapes, tortures and murders (for “sport”). Before anyone can point and say shit, here’s a reminder: Tupac was never a gangsta, he couldn’t even sell dope (just like Motuphi); so he doesn’t qualify as a gangsta just because he got “sold” to some to become a dancing little rapping thug life repping marionette for the subhumans to pay off his debt for bailing him out of prison when his false flag event (the “rape) happened.
You can’t lump Tupac and Motuphi in with those lazy sluggards who refused to get educations and jobs and became gangstas as a way of life. Tupac and Motuphi worked very hard at everything they applied themselves to. Unlike Jay-Z, who insults his retarded little bug fans/”sleeper cells” in his commercials showing him taking less than 15 minutes to “produce” a “hit”, which is like saying he just doesn’t even care about the craft that provided so well for him all of those years. Motuphi never did that to his fans: All of his beautiful music was hard-produced and took hours, days, and sometimes even weeks and months to produce (the difference between “art” and “product”). But bugs don’t get the insult and still think jay-Z is all that and a bag of chips, even though he doesn’t even care enough about them to produce a quality product for them to listen to…I suppose that, if the only thing they’re looking for is ghetto-fabulousness, lesserism, weak-mindedness, and a barrage of “nigga” spewings, it probably doesn’t matter what “beat” you put that mind-molesting retardation disguised as “rap” to, huh?
Whatever psychics or “oracles” they’re trusting are betraying them. If they were trustworthy, they would’ve warned them of defying Motuphi in these end times.
Think real hard about the beyond-Earth consequences for supporting a dictator before you give-in to Obama’s demands..He only has temporal power that’s about to be squashed out with a super nova (because you humans wouldn’t just stop him, yourselves). The decree has already been enacted and it’s not going anywhere as long as ObamaCare is operational…Your scientists can hide that it’s coming, but they can’t hide it once it happens.
What did it profit a deranged little chemically imbalanced Black-faced-Caucasianistic, self-entitled, subhuman, “humanized” and zombified nigger dictator to gain the whole world (for a few fleeting moments) and lose his own soul (his spirit to time loops of judgement and then eternal execution)?
God ain’t playing with that boy…He’ll see, and so will the WORLD!
Until ObamaCare is abolished, America, its agendas, its economy, those who voted for Obama and ObamaCare, and all American Blacks will just be cursed on an exponential grade: For every second that ObamaCare is operating, another curse attaches to all of those things (second by second, growing stronger and causing more hardship and tragedy)…Plus, that energy IS being directed at your sun (at a rate of 100,000-fold, which should have it super nova-ed within a few years, but we’re hoping for mere months to yank that rug out from under Barillary Swirlons before they can spend any of that ill-gotten gain)…We don’t care: We came here to stop the violence and subjugation and we’re willing to DIE to stop it…We have the upper hand. You can’t win this. If it looks like you won, better get ready to fry to death…
Remember the “back-up” prophesies that so many mistook for being a part of the definite predictions (we can super nova the sun to stop them)…No mere mortal human is gonna afflict God’s end time Elect and get away with it…Obama’s just not big enough to do this…Unless HE has an invisible army hid somewhere too afraid to engage OUR invisible army going forth upon Earth to enact the curses in response to ObamaCare.
OUR armies outnumber Obama’s armies and the world’s armies, now. OUR armies are comprised of devils in collusion with angels, in addition to the spirits of the victims of unnecessary suffering and violence…All those white people the American gangstas tortured and the gangsta rappers caused to be tortured are here to get revenge now, just as was prophesied would happen if the movement of the Spirit of Elias was hindered or if “Elijah” was cock-blocked from his platform. They may’ve succeeded in cock-blocking Motuphi, but at what cost? They can’t cock-block Motuphi’s invisible army. It goes forth sabotaging THEIR lives and agendas now…preparing the way for that great and terrible day of the Lord, in spite of the cock-blocking that got them all committed to time loops of judgement AS victims like Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom (100,000 times per victim per offense, EACH) before being eternally executed…
The gangsta rappers are directly responsible for the demises of the victims like Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom and for that, they WILL pay and then be eternally executed so that Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom can live in peace as God’s creations HE created to be able to live on HIS “turf”. Nothing that came to God’s “turf” (this Earth/spirit scan) and snuffed out the life another will go unpunished…Not one gangsta nor gangsta rapper ever escaped the time loops of judgement (not even one).
This spirit scan is very effective. But still more secrets are due to come out (until ObamaCare is abolished, all government secrets are being exposed and will continue to be and nothing on Earth can stop that, not even a nigger who proved that niggers can’t be leaders).
This is a personal vendetta to God, Christ, Lucifer, Motuphi and all of the angels, devils and spirits of the victims who came back here to assist Motuphi in closing down the spirit scan…Some are probably here awaiting the super nova, so they can snatch-up their perpetrators (who victimized them) as soon as they die, so they can personally attend to their time loops of judgement. All murder victims are back here and their murderers have no privacy because they’re now being “watched”, 24/7/365.
This spirit scan is almost over. It’s not a good time to give-in to a deranged dictator who managed to place himself on the bad side of all entities in REAL power (like God, Christ, Lucifer, Motuphi and the end time Elect). You don’t wanna endure the Obama/Clinton/Bush bloodline fate, of that you can be sure…Let THEM pay for their sins (they never gave YOU anything but a compromised playing field where niggers are hunting white people for sport while another nigger wants to take their guns so they can’t protect themselves from his “sons”, committing himself to even MORE loops as MORE white victims of Black on white violence).
Does Obama care enough about American Black people to get the curses lifted off of them by abolishing ObamaCare? We know he doesn’t care about American niggers is the whole reason he enacted ObamaCare (fools), which is why we hit him where he WILL care…he’ll see, soon enough…and so will you. The curses go when ObamaCare goes and not until.

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