Monday, October 21, 2013

Did Kanye Ask Jesus THIS?

Did Kanye West bother to ask Jesus how he might get Kim Kardashian, or his mama, or his fans and their bloodlines (or even himself) out of the time loops of judgement as all victims of unnecessary suffering he helped to cock-block Motuphi from rescuing? Probably not. He’s too retarded to realize he’s on a spirit scan and now he’s gotta serve his time as victims of violence (like Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom) for the crime of distracting from proper mentality with his whack retardation.
Lucifer and Motuphi are watching. Well, Lucifer’s incarcerated in another realm still, so he must see things on Earth through the undeleteable spirit memories and Motuphi’s and his followers’ eyes. But, you get the point: They’re seeing all of this shit play out and how there’s no sense of remorse or responsibility for the unnecessary suffering they cause.
Don’t sweat it it: With every ludicrous, sacrilegious move Kanye makes, he gets committed to more time loops of judgement and so do all who liked him and empowered him to distract from the plights of victims like Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom (and millions more like them at the hands of Kanye’s and the rest of the mainstreams’ fans/”sleeper cells”).
Again, no conscience: Diabolical. Subhuman. Lesser than anyone who’s horrified at how they never stopped with their arrogant, ghetto-fabulous retardation, even after MILLIONS of white people were robbed, tortured, raped and murdered in America for “sport” (just like Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom) because their perpetrators were too ghetto to get educations and jobs like their white superiors (can’t call ‘em “peers” because they’re LESS than the whites they hate who empowered them and gave them all that they have that they’re so ungrateful for)…Common, ghetto-whore spawned monsters. “Neither can they blush” (because they’re too mentally inferior to feel a proper level of shame).
Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom changed everything and the American niggers were so devoid of consciences that they didn’t even realize it or miss a beat in their constant ghetto-ism, and their shyster “reverends” (Sharpton and Jackson) never even visited the location, nor did they rebuke the behavior of the monsters who did it. Ergo: the reason why Sharpton and Jackson and all who liked them and followed them (and their collective bloodlines) will be time looped AS Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom (100,000 times EACH) and then eternally executed. No “presidents” spoke against this shameful monstrosity, either, which sent curses out upon all who (later) had a problem with the Zimmerman verdict and elevated Zimmerman to the level of HERO in the eyes of everyone with an IQ over 13 points and to all entities in Heaven, where Trayvon will NEVER be found because he’s looped as Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom for referring to whites as “crackers” and for being a fan of the American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating Black-faced-Caucasianistic, self-entitled, subhuman, ghetto-monster cloning niggers disguised as “rappers” and music “artists”.
So the rapists are gonna be looped as Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom during their rapes, tortures and murders, that goes without saying (“do unto others as you want done to YOU”). So will their mamas, for spawning them and raising them to be rapist monsters (again “Do unto others”, so don’t raise racist rapists unless you wanna be raped, ho). So will all rappers and music artists in the mainstream that they were fans of (and their bloodlines and the rest of their fans and their bloodlines). So will all law enforcement and judges who dropped the ball on the previous crimes the monsters committed that should’ve had them incarcerated and safely off of the streets on the night they tortured Channon and Hugh. So will all junkies, for empowering the gangs with their weaknesses and drug addictions. And, since the crimes made it so hard for Motuphi and other decent human beings to get past it enough to enjoy sex again, so will all white women who give sex to American Blacks (unless they’re both in love with and married to each other). And so will any neighbors of that location who heard “noises” (like gunshots and screaming) coming from that house and yard and failed to call the police…Had they called the cops when they heard Hugh Newsom get shot (3 times in the middle of the night, right next door, impossible to sleep through), then Channon Christian would’ve been saved alive. But they failed to do so, therefore they must endure Channon’s loops an extra 200,000 times each…
And this goes for any and all American niggers who failed to intervene when little 10 year old white girls were sold to Black drug dealers by dope-ho mamas (for dope) who then took them back to the ‘hood to gang-rape them. Motuphi can tell you, being from the ghetto, how they operate: When a little girl is taken as a “slave” to work off “racial reparations” in some ghetto house, or dungeon, or abandoned house or garage, niggers in the area “know” what’s happening and they all flock to the location to “TAKE THEIR TURNS” on the “bitches”…and even the women know what’s happening and never call the cops to rescue the little white girls (because they’re just “crackers” to them). These are common occurrences in America now and have been ever since gangsta rap was violently infiltrated into the mainstream (to make “sleeper cells” of EVERY weak mind that listens to the radio).
What’s so ironic about the current racially charged hatred felt by all American niggers who spew “cracker” from their lips is that it’s all totally unfounded: No Black American born after 1972 knows anything about racial oppression or bigotry that’s not in direct response to the Black-faced-Caucasianistic, self-entitled, subhuman, ghetto-monster niggers (spawn of dope-man dick-chugging dope hoes, the whole lot of them, from Snoop and Dre to the current freak of the week on the American airwaves) who formed those gangs in the 1960s that ran amok like KKK prophecy manifesting ghetto-monster niggers. But other than that righteous fear of those ugly, mean, subhuman monster niggers; for the most part, white bitches have been programmed by the media to seek-out and throw themselves onto the most ghetto-fabulous, retarded, subhumaniest niggers’ cocks they can find…This created a societal downfall, as whiteboys in America found themselves having to act like monster niggers just to get the same reverence, sex and attention from the race traitor white devil bitches who want nigger cock because they’re so goddamned impressionable and programmable.
It should probably be mentioned that all bullies are most definitely gonna be looped as Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom during their final night. This would include Simon Cowell and all of the mainstream media bullies who participated in Cowell’s whack-assed attack on Lucifer’s craft (of music) that so many came to know as “American Idol”, which cock-blocked Motuphi and millions of real musicians from their rightful positions of earning money with their music. So, since Cowell and American Idol helped to cock-block Motuphi, it indirectly helped to cause the loops like Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom. Therefore, all who participated in the production of American Idol and all of the judges will be looped as Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom (and all other loops they indirectly caused with their “show”/distraction from all that’s important), as well as their collective families. Still awaiting word about what will be done about the “fans” of American Idol, which made the show possible. But we don’t think the participants have anything to worry about for taking advantage of an opportunity to try to rise up…Those who rose-up due to that talent cock-blocking show and didn’t reach down for Motuphi have a lot to worry about, however.
What happened to Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom should make any self-respecting, decent white bitch wanna refrain from having sex with any American Black that’s not completely sickened enough by these atrocities to publicly burn all of his mainstream “sleeper cell” creator CDs (ALL of them: Jay-Z, Ghostface Killa, Snoop, Dre, Cube, Ice T, Li’l Wayne, 50 Cent, Eminem, Diddy, Chris Brown, Drake, Beyonce, Rihanna, Nicky Minaj, and anyone else who dared write a violent lyric against white people, women, children or animals) and denounce all association to such niggerism and refuse to ever listen to another American mainstream “sleeper cell” creating Black-faced-Caucasianistic, self-entitled, subhuman, ghetto-monster encouraging nigger, ever again.
If he’s Black and says “nigga” or “cracker” and listens to any of the above, he’s already cursed and committed to time loops of judgement (which include the Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom tortures) and eternal execution…Plus, he’s a dangerous “sleeper cell” who relates to the mentality that has them all feeling like what happened to Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom was okay because they’re just “crackers” anyway…Why would you wanna contaminate yourself by having sex with something so incredibly subhuman? Set a standard that you won’t drop below, which would include a high enough IQ that they can’t stand any of the above mentioned mainstream untalented posers (who could only make careers by programming “monsters” because nothing intelligent can relate to their “lesserism” disguised as music).
 Kanye is retarded… He’s just an eternally executed bug who doesn’t even exist, even now; yet he’s too infantile to “see” it (like his mainstream “sleeper cell” creating peers). Anyone who relates to him is retarded and subhuman, and should be regarded as a dangerous threat, so simple and programmable that he could be a “sleeper cell” waiting to happen (he just has to have the same set of circumstances happen as did to Channon Christian’s and Hugh Newsom’s monsters).
Imagine being those rapists’ mamas in the time loops AS Channon and Hugh, looking out at their monster sons and what they did with the legacy and life they gave them on Earth. We know: The dope-man dick-chugging ghetto-monster spawning dope-hoes ain’t gonna “get it” or care until they’re there, inside of Channon or Hugh, unable to escape the torment and death (100,000 times, EACH). So it’d be futile to appeal to any decency in subhuman bitches like that to please kill the monsters you spawned before they commit you to time loops as Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom, because bitches like that have no decency within them to appeal to. But if they were inclined to do the world a solid and cleanse their race of the monsters they spawned, here’s how to tell if they’re dangerous “sleeper cells” or not: If they listen to, or are fans of, any of the above mentioned “rappers” or music “artists”, then you know they’re a potential monster waiting to happen (a “sleeper cell”) and will eventually be presented with the opportunity to commit you and the rest of your bloodline to time loops of judgement (as Channon and Hugh and millions more just like them) and eternal execution, and that’ll be a temptation that he won’t be able to resist….
White people are everywhere…is YOUR kid gonna get you eternally executed, being programmed by dregs with mics to violence against them when presented with the opportunity to do so? If you weren’t gonna hafta suffer their atrocities, would you still wanna stop them from doing it? If not, then don’t bother with the “cleansing”…Because your “motivation” is in your spirit memory and no one avoids the time loops of judgement (personalized versions of Hell) and goes to Heaven out of fear of facing the consequences or punishment…Your motivation must be because it’s the right thing to do, not because it might save you.
You can’t manipulate spirit memory.
"The eyes of the LORD are EVERYwhere" (even in your and your victims’ heads, recording your actions and thoughts and what you don’t do that you knew you should).
You’re either here AS one of “them” or you’re here to fight AGAINST them…There’s no middle ground…It got too dangerous and became a war they can’t win (but they’re too weak-minded to “see” it).

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