Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Bellaire Buffoons Fumbling Law Enforcement

If you ever need comic relief, just peruse the court and police blotters of the various Michigan news agencies and you’ll roll over laughing at the sheer buffoonery of law enforcement there. Like the Bellaire buffoons who manage to make (ahem) “drug” busts for everything except the illicit hard drugs that plague their community. Recently, the Bellaire buffoons disguised as “law enforcement” even made a bust for someone growing MUSHROOMS (we shit you not). They beat on their chests like big he-men over these nuisance crimes (growing mushrooms and pot) busts while hard drugs like heroine, meth, and various forms of cocaine ravage the city and surrounding area.
What a bunch of CLOWNS!
LOOK! There goes some more gangstas to set up shop in Bellaire because they can see the priorities of the cracker jack box badge having police is to avoid real criminals to stay alive and avoid danger because they are simply too afraid of them (the REAL criminals) to fight real crime in their region!
As if to say: “Got that pesky marijuana and mushrooms off the street before they could deflect them kids from that heroine, meth, and crack cocaine them gangstas are peddling right under our noses because the new government agenda is to make dope slaves of the American youth and it’s our job as (ahem) “police” to further the secret agendas of the corrupt defacto government and to avoid enforcing the laws against any real criminals who may be gangstas or deal real dope…Our new job as cops is to do away with the competition, like mushrooms and weed, which is why the hard drugs that support terrorism are being sold without hindrance right down the street from the police station…We’re just doing what we’re told and collecting our paychecks, nothing to see here.”
Bellaire is a nasty little junky hellhole now and the sentiment of the buffoons disguised as cops is major contributor to the hard drug pandemic plaguing the area. They’re so retarded and inbredded that they can’t even “see” it, though. No amount of poking fun at their incompetence will change their M.O…The dope dealers will keep making dope slaves of little 11 and 12 year old white girls and the police will remain safely distracted with “easy collars” busting and criminalizing non-violent productive taxpaying people for growing pot and mushrooms…Remember when the world was safer and they busted the OTHER guys, instead? That’s what happens when you make cops out of cowards and bullies, you become endangered by all the cop is afraid of.
Either the cops in Bellaire are on the take or they’re completely incompetent to keep publicly making nuisance crime busts while gangsta empires thrive on their beats right under their noses.
If you’re afraid to make REAL busts of REAL criminals committing REAL crimes, then turn in your badge and quit your job and stop extorting the taxpayers you were hired to protect and serve; because we’re sure that they’d much rather have some potheads and ‘shroom-heads in their midst than a bunch of pedophilic dope-slingers who make slaves out of children and then sexually exploit them (trust us, they feel that way unless they’ve become as retarded as the Bellaire buffoons who were retarded enough to be proud about taking hard drug deflection off of the streets and driving the kids right into the awaiting arms of the dope-pimps).
Small town cops do not have a clue what they’re up against and how they’re contributing to what they’re supposed to be thwarting. Or, maybe they do; which has got to be unsettling for anyone living on their beats.

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