Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Why Can't They Do What They Ask Of Us?

Okay. A recent comment from a medical professional who works in a doctor’s office really hit the nail on the head:
"We had to cut back when ObamaCare went into effect and now I do the job of FIVE people for the same pay, every single day; which is overwhelming, to say the least. So why can’t the government do the same thing? Why can’t they fire half of the senators, representatives and other congress people who failed to represent the common interest of the entire nation regarding ObamaCare and make those who are left actually carry additional workloads comparable to what they burdened us with? It’s only fair and right that they do, first, what they expect of those they’re supposed to serve, not overburden. Perhaps if they’d done that in the first place, they never would’ve needed to sell the interests of the American people to the highest bidders. Anyone who works in healthcare can tell you what a mess it’s become. It’s like a circus, but it never ends. You keep expecting to wake-up to normalcy again, and it never happens. Just more madness and absolute retardation at every turn, all to profit some special interests who bought them some governmental power. It’s just sickening. I wanna wretch every day. My life has become hell and I did nothing wrong to deserve it. I’m a good person being punished for the bad of others. It’s so sad."
There you have it…From the inside…Enslaving the wrong demographic again and enabling and empowering the wrong demographic again…
Typical American government parasites in office…
Betcha can’t wait for those fuckers who’re behind Obama’s-inferior-mama-Care to be time looped as their victims and then be eternally executed to never exist to perpetuate their crimes against the world, huh?…
Neither can we…We buy loops as American government people, all the time. We wanna watch and participate in what they’ve committed themselves to when they die (sick fucks).

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