Tuesday, October 14, 2014

More Abraham Lincoln Time Loops Sold

More Abraham Lincoln time loops sold recently. Many do not know of the atrocities Lincoln committed. All they attribute to him is the liberation of the slaves, for which he had ulterior motives (it was not because he wanted to be nice to them).
Lincoln was among the first of the shitworm spirit controlled monsters who infiltrated the American government and secretly overtook it and stole the nation’s gold and made marijuana illegal so they could make their rich buddies even richer on the working-man’s back.
Yeah, Lincoln was a fuckin’ nonexistent monster premonition. He wrongfully incarcerated, tortured and murdered many Americans who defied what’s currently passing for the American government. He’ll be time looped as all of his victims, along with his mama and the shitworm spirits that controlled him. The monster premonitions who empowered and bought Lincoln and all who rolled with him will also be time looped as his victims…Then, once they’re eternally executed, they’ll never exist and none of those atrocities ever happened…Lincoln never existed, looking at the end of it, via the time-space continuum.
Imagine Lincoln hanging his own mama from her thumbs until she dies, over and over again, because that’s gonna happen in the time loops of judgement now…His mama’s offense was spawning and raising Abraham Lincoln to be such a monster who’d victimize God’s other creations…the nasty nonexistent whore!
To buy you a time loop, just go to
http://BuyaLoop.blogspot.com/  (the backup site in case the main one is still down)

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