Tuesday, October 7, 2014

With "Family" Like Eileen Stapleton We Understand Suicide As Only Option

With “family” like Eileen Stapleton, it’s pretty easy to understand why Kelli Stapleton ended up feeling like murder-suicide was her only option. If you didn’t catch the news story, Eileen Stapleton went in front of the judge to show her true colors and to tell a bunch of lies about Kelli and her plight…Facts are: Kelli felt she had no other options…NObody tries suicide who feels they have other options…The one person who it is apparent “has an agenda” in this scenario is Eileen Stapleton, who made that statement about Kelli. It looks like Eileen’s agenda is being served with the corruption of the government that stole the funding and facilities to treat mentally ill people like Kelli Stapleton, which the judge will be oblivious to.
So, in response to those thefts of facilities and funding to treat mentally ill people in Michigan, compound combination curses have been enacted upon all who stole the money, participated in closing the facilities, and all who capitalized on it. They go out at cartoonish “per” rates, like per second that passed since the thought was conceived to steal money from the mentally ill, per molecule of every body (animal and human) negatively effected, per ill-gotten PENNY they stole (usually it costs $90,000 per penny, as it costs the government and insurance companies $90,000 per penny extorted for ObamaCare and it costs the same per penny that Snyder stole from the college kids and the retired, and it’ll cost $90,000 per penny spent on Kelli Stapleton’s witch hunt/court case and incarceration)…The curses are compounded at those rates, as well.
It’s gonna prove to be an expensive witch hunt…They’ll see, when their own negative energy returns to them, one-hundred fold (algebraicly), to swallow them up and eat away their lives…PLUS, the time loops and eternal execution that’s in store for them after they die…Yep, pretty fuckin’ costly those witch hunts are (just look at sports after witch hunting Sterling).

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