Monday, October 27, 2014

Watch For Lies, Propaganda, and Rigged Elections

In Michigan, the upcoming elections have the airwaves riddled with lies and propaganda:
Like Bill Schuette and the claim that he raised a billion dollars to prosecute backlogged rape cases…Okay, then why are there no old rapes being prosecuted then? Did he pilfer that money, too? We know that he crippled law enforcement with his personal agendas to use taxpayer dollars and cop man-hours to persecute potheads and prostitutes while letting the dealers of hard drugs run amok setting up shop across the state right under the cops’ noses. That was taxpayer tax dollar extortion: It was suppose to protect the citizens from the criminal element that got granted a “pass” due to Schuette’s agendas…Maybe his agendas are to keep the hard drugs flowing is why he tries to eliminate all deterrents to hard drugs by doing away with the marijuana. Either way, Schuette enabled the dope pimps that are out there now with one of two things: incompetence or corruption…or maybe a combination of the two, who knows?
But a BILLION dollars raised to prosecute old rape cases and then not even one prosecution to refer to? Beyond mere lies, right?
Then there’s the bully nerd, Rick Snyder, who got into power and immediately strong-arm robbed college kids of their tuition funding and elderly people of their pensions (with an illegal double indemnity tax on their pensions) and then popped up with a BILLION dollar “surplus” he later wanted to dump into a bridge project (of all things). It was ill-gotten gain, Ricky: stolen money via corruption because you are not real government, you are defacto government that must be extricated from office. Now the blatant propaganda is that Rick Snyder gave education a billion dollars, which is beyond a bold-faced lie and everyone in Michigan KNOWS it. The lying bitch in his campaign ads tells lie after lie about Snyder and the “good” he’s doing the state of Michigan while he’s openly raping and pillaging it. So, when that same lying voice is used to spread lies about an opponent (like Schaur, for example), we know that the opposite of what the bitch is saying is actually closer to the truth.
If either of these two freakish taxpayer extorters “wins” the election, then you know that it was rigged. There’s not enough voters who benefitted from either of these monsters to vote for them. But there are millions of Michigan people who’ve suffered under their rule who’d vote for anybody else (Peter Pan, Humpty Dumpty, anybody will do) just to get them out of office and off of their backs (Schuette and Snyder are 2 gross parasites on the backs of those they were supposed to serve). Michigan needs a change in government, from top to bottom. But getting rid of these two pirates will be a good start.
All of Michigan is voting against Schuette and Snyder…You cannot find one person not under their employ who will admit that they’ll vote for those freaks…So if they win, they stole the election.
Those college kids who got raped by Snyder finally get their chance at revenge for the pillaging of their educations just so Snyder could give their education money to his butt buddies in business. They’re all old enough to vote now and they should all be registering so they can get in line to stick it back up Snyder’s ass…
When freaks get in power, they do evil assed shit, don’t they? Makes ya’ wonder what happened to ‘em as kids, huh? Like we picture Schuette being molested by a pot-smoking uncle to explain his hard-on against marijuana instead of hard drugs. We picture Snyder being bullied and mugged repeatedly, awaiting his chance to become governor so he could get revenge on everybody in the state for not protecting him from his childhood tormentors.
Now, they lie like motherfuckers on TV to a public who knows that they are lying and they don’t even have any shame about it…
"neither can they blush"

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