Monday, October 6, 2014

Nonexistent Teaching The Nonexistent

Like the blind leading the blind, like the American mainstream rappers, music “artists”, “stars” and sports “heroes” do to their fans/”sleeper cells”; so is this story of a nonexistent racist subhuman nigger piece of shit speaking to a group of nonexistent college kids who’ll undoubtedly get themselves scanned the fuck OUT of existing while here on the spirit scan (existence premonition) due to their poor choices of “role models”.
The last thing you want to hear is words from a nonexistent murderous racist piece of human-shaped shit who should’ve been executed YEARS ago…Not only is the fucker nonexistent and will never exist to be a racist murderous nigger; but he’s supposed to be DEAD even now (his monster premonition is already supposed to be executed).
Remember the COP that the nonexistent nigger killed when he spouts off about being the “victim of a racist system”…The COP is the only real victim here, well the cop’s family was victimized, too; and GOD, who created the cop and decreed that the COP should live since he’d work with his own 2 hands while the nigger should’ve died before he could kill the cop since he was just a subhuman racist non-working piece of shit.
This is what’s wrong with America: The blind leading the blind and the nonexistent leading others into nonexistence…
This story will fuck your mind, so get ready…They cannot even see anything wrong with this shit, either (“neither can they blush” God called them right on the money).
Imprisoned former death-row inmate addresses grads
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No voice of reason left in the madness that is the USA, obviously.

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