Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Georgia Guidestones Producers/Authors In Time Loops

We know what the average person does not know about the Georgia Guidestones…That being: that we do not have to know the identity of the shitworm-controlled monster premonitions who wrote and produced those stones (the nonexistent sub-species behind the “R.C. Christian” pseudonym who contracted their construction) to buy time loops of them AS their victims and ripple effects victims in the time loops of judgement…The non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memories of all who suffered or died untimely deaths due to those (monster premonition) people or the influence of their Guidestones all lead back to them until they are time looped AS those victims and then eternally executed to never exist to cause those spirit memories that they were NOT authorized by any god of this world (not God/Allah nor Lucifer/Satan) to make happen.
Sounds simple enough. Gonna buy two spectator loops and one participator loop at of each guidestones founder, that’d be 53 or so loops, just to be safe (we’d rather buy too many than too few). Plus, it goes to a good cause. So that’s 53 multiplied by $666…Someone’s gonna be happy when they see that order purchase!
Imagine the possibilities in THESE loops: Anything that was ever caused by them, or that they did or participated in, even passively, we can watch them endure it in the time loops…we can even PARTICIPATE in it (all loops are the same price)! That means ANYthing!
Yeah, those freaks thought they got away with something, like Muslim/Islamic infidels or gangstas or the American mainstream rappers, media, “reverends” and sports figures.

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