Saturday, October 18, 2014

"President" Obola Caught In More Lies About Travel Bans Against Ebola

What? Is it a “Black thang” to continue to make excuses for not doing the right thing while continuing to do the wrong thing? Ain’t that what the racist niggers in Detroit did to themselves: kept electing by color even though that drove away the money generating automakers and other businesses who refused to be bullied, pillaged, and extorted by gangsta-mentality havin’ subhumans?
REALITY check:
"President" Obola lied to you again (‘lest we forget "If you like your insurance, you can KEEP your insurance! If you like your doctor, you can KEEP your doctor!"…you’re Goddamned RIGHT I can, nigger, because you ain’t in power in OUR nation because we’d never be stupid enough to relegate power to the likes of YOU!).
A travel ban works like THIS -> Anyone with a passport showing they were in a contaminated area within the amount of time the area was infected is denied the ability to board the plane destined for the USA, regardless of where else they managed to get to first…So, if someone flies from Africa’s Ebola ridden regions to (say) France in an attempt to bypass the travel ban in the USA, that someone would be denied passage from France because the PASSPORT of that traveler would reflect that he/she was in the quarantined region…They may make it to someplace else, but they’d never get past customs with that Ebola on their passports…
If someone in any nation wants to go to America with a travel ban in effect, they must meet the parameters before boarding the plane heading to America…The only parameter this ban would’ve required is: Not recently coming from Ebola-lands…So simple, it’s pathetic.
A travel ban would have kept the Ebola out of the USA…FACT!
Another FACT you will not like is the fact that “President” Obola KNEW that Ebola was going to make it into America, way back in September, yet he did NOTHING to stop it! He never closed the borders, never stopped immigration (until the plague is gone, yes it IS proper and right to stop the influx!), never stopped incoming Ebola carrying flight passengers from entering the nation…This guy is like the poorest excuse for a president and a man and an all around human being that this planet has ever set eyes on, for real; just determined to prove that Blacks are too inferior to do the job (making prophets of drunken white devil rednecked sheet-wearing daughter-fuckers with every second of his whack-assed “presidency”).
Executive order happy freak!
What would it have taken for that executive order happy nonexistent monster premonition to make an executive order that all passports from Ebola-ridden nations be rejected?
He has no excuse…and it’s firmly logged in his non-tamperable non-erase-able spirit memory, too; just like it is in the spirit memories connected to him (all of his victims, which now include Ebola victims). Glutton for punishment, Obola is.
Like the Americans are as stupid as the half-breed they elected as “president”…They’re dumb enough to take it and he’s dumb enough to think that we’re all buying it just because they’re too racist to admit when they’re wrong and made a tragic mistake (so he’s playing on that weakness, like a spoiled ghetto child who knows his parents are gonna be too embarrassed to whip his ass in public)…Look what the Chinese do to their own (enslave them and kill them and torture them) and look at what Blacks do to all INCLUDING their own, and put that together in one sick entity concoction and you have Obola…
Ya’ll DO know that the only way to purify the shit Ebola gets on is to BURN it, right?
Does anyone remember the back-up prophecy where God (Allah) had to burn the Earth instead of enacting the intervention of having Satan pretend to be (His Son) Jesus Christ for a growing season? Looks like Obola made it necessary for that scenario to play out…
"Burn it all down around me…it’s a BLACK thang! Never again will freedom ring. Never again will them angels sing. Never gonna stop ‘em from feelin’ my sting! Burn it all down around me, it’s a BLACK thang! Burn it all down around me…it’s a BLACK thang!" - Lyrics from the maniacal self-portrait rap Obola writes and sings in his head while he prepares for another golf game instead of doing his fucking JOB.
Okay, now it’s WORSE than Detroit ever was…

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