Tuesday, October 14, 2014

St Ignace Invites Drug Dealers & Gangstas To Town

Okay. We all remember the parameters of the curses that go forth and attach to all governmental agencies, police, DAs, and communities where they extort the taxpayers of their protection money to instead persecute potheads and go after “easy collars”…
Well, St. Ignace (lack of) law enforcement recently passed over the 14 (real) drug houses in their region to bust a band teacher for marijuana distribution…They’ll reap what they sowed for that accordingly, just as all other communities where they waste their resources and taxpayer dollars busting people for nuisance crimes instead of busting the REAL criminals.
The authority for these curses is given in the simple fact that the government never had the legal right to make marijuana illegal. It (the illegal illegalization of marijuana) actually happened when the private parties infiltrated and commandeered the American government and they enacted a whole bunch of illegal laws to force market their oil, alcohol and pharmaceuticals (sorceries of man)…
Currently, state lack of law enforcement is making it too obvious that they’re promoting the secret agenda of the Federal defacto government to make all of this generation dependent on alcohol and drugs (to make them easier to “control”). They’re currently still perpetuating this by eliminating the competition to alcohol and drugs by busting people for marijuana for the “money grab” (seizing assets and money generated from sales).
Standard “per” rates probably will apply here. as well: It’ll cost St Ignace $90,000 per penny spent on the witch hunt of that band instructor (whatever they costed the band teacher and whatever they spent investigating her and stand to spend on prosecuting and punishing her) PLUS the other standard parameters of the curses: like criminals will be attracted to the region now and all real criminals who got a pass while lack of law enforcement witch hunted the band teacher will now victimize them and their families; and more negative energy will attach to the cops of that state to endanger their lives and their families lives for the offense of endangering the community by ignoring REAL criminal activity to instead engage in a witch hunt. The criminals are watching and they see that St Ignace has weak-minded government that’ll make it easy to set-up shop in that county…
Remember, REAL cops would be too embarrassed to make an arrest for an easy collar or nuisance crime like anything to do with marijuana, mushrooms or prostitution (unless the prostitute is underage or being enslaved). REAL cops know that there’s a criminal element out there threatening the sanctity and safety of their communities and that they must pick their battles wisely to rid their communities of those real criminals…Not in Mackinac County, though: Their cops are retarded assholes who take all of the deterrents to hard drugs off of the streets while leaving the hard drugs out there to enslave their kids…Their cops work in collusion with the gangsta dope pimps who’re making dope-slaves out of their 12 year old girls and then taking them and selling them to pimps in other regions. REAL cops wanna bust those dope pimps and refuse to waste taxpayer dollars busting someone for pot offenses. Where-ever the cops do not share that sentiment, you see the real criminal element thriving and drug addiction rates rise and meth waste dumped everywhere…Like St Ignace is becoming.
Anyone ever notice that, when Michigan police make a marijuana bust instead of a hard drug bust, negative energy attaches to all cops in the state and there’s always a cop death in another area of the state not too long afterwards? That could be a side parameter of the curses; or it could be God, showing that He’s angry that police will endanger His end time Elect in the region by ignoring the real criminals so that they can instead persecute prostitutes and potheads and criminalize productive taxpaying citizens. This could also be why those “people” who crawl out from under rocks to be so “appalled” at someone’s marijuana activity later become victimized by a real criminal whose behavior they were not appalled by.
Remember: When a cop makes a marijuana bust, the REAL criminal that he’s so afraid of is running amok in your community awaiting his opportunity to victimize you and your family!
"Easy collar" police need to be relieved of their duties and their badges and guns…They’re helping the wrong side win!

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