Monday, October 27, 2014

Calvin Hennick's Racial Propaganda Nets Him Time Loops, Eternal Execution

Calvin Hennick cannot be a real human being. He must be a computer program disguised as a human. Either that, or Calvin Hennick has been living under a rock for far too long.
Calvin Hennick has never been walking alone in the ghetto, obviously, or he’d find out the hard way that he cannot take anything he wrote about for granted as he gets his ass ganked by Black nonexistent monster premonitions simply because he’s white.
Calvin Hennick is a gangsta thug sympathizer. Because he has a half-breed kid, he’s blinded to reality for white people (or he’d hope his kid turns Black instead of staying white, so the kid will survive with less chance of being victimized by a subhuman over his skin color). Calvin Hennick has been dumbed down and given the power of influence, like a gangsta rapper. He’s dangerous to all he influences with his whack mentality (betcha we know what’s in THAT guy’s mp3 player and CD collection). Calvin Hennick wants reverse discrimination, not equality. He’s probably even stupid enough to believe that Sterling was racist and deserved to be betrayed by a half-breed who did not deserve his trust (what is it about the American half-breeds with Black blood in ‘em? Is it a rule that they gotta be monstrous subhumans or something?).
So, since Calvin Hennick contributes to the dumb down with racial propaganda and deceptions, he’ll now be time looped as all victims of Black on white (and animal) violence when he dies. He’ll endure experiences as every white woman who found herself in the unfortunate position of being alone with a Black male who expected sex from her just because their paths crossed and she was white. Calvin will be time looped as Channon Christian, Hugh Newsom, Al Potter, Autumn Pasquale, Colleen Ritzer, and the MILLIONS of white kids who were sold to Black dope-pimps by their white devil dope-ho mamas to be sexually abused and then tortured to death for “entertainment” and “sport”…
Al Potter couldn’t take for granted any of the shit that Calvin takes for granted, even after all he did for Black people (ironic, biting the hands that feed them like that)…He was murdered by a nonexistent subhuman monster premonition (Jajuan Whitlow) with his bare hands IN A HOSPITAL who killed Al over his skin color for SPORT (the “kill” “points” Blacks are secretly giving each other for white “kills”, for real this is the reality in America that Calvin distracts from)…Thinking up a retarded name for Jajuan was the extent of his parents’ parenting skills. They dropped the ball on everything else and their subhuman monster spawn murdered a GOD among men compared to him. Jajuan will not be allowed to exist to perpetuate his crimes against whites even though he will be time looped to be punished for them (time-space continuum and eternal execution of a spirit work wonders). Jajuan’s mama will not be allowed to exist for her crime of spawning Jajuan for a bigger welfare check and then neglecting to raise him up, allowing the American thug mainstream and sports medias to raise and program her son to be a “sleeper cell” awaiting his chance to earn his “kill points”…
Colleen Ritzer was white and could not take it for granted that she’d be safe at work among subhumans.
Autumn Pasquale could not even befriend American Blacks…It costed her her life.
Channon Christian and Hugh Newsom were white and could not take their own safety for granted in their own parking lot of their own home.
It appears as though Calvin is just another clueless American white  who’s zombified and hypnotized and programmed to be unaware of the race war that many subhuman American Blacks are secretly engaged in against unsuspecting whites in America.
Calvin Hennick, you are a race-baiting nonexistent bitch! You should cure yourself of your folly and go walking down the streets that Steve Utash drove down…in the DAY time…we dare ya’ (film it and post it, if you live and walk out of that war zone with your possessions). That was Motuphi’s old stomping grounds, now a ghetto where white people are not safe in the DAY time…
Can’t make it to Detroit, Calvin? Just go to the ghetto nearest you, leave your car in the suburbs. Take a camera with you and keep it running…You will not survive it. If you do, you will not have footage, because some Black subhuman will take your camera from you the minute he sees you with it.
Calvin, take a 13 year old fully developed white girl and send her down a ghetto street by herself…See if she makes it out alive. She, for sure, will not make it through the ghetto without giving up some sex for “racial reparations”…FACT. You cannot debunk it because it’s reality.
Calvin must be a computer program, because nobody white with enough IQ points to hold a job as a writer would be stupid enough to beat the drum that Calvin is publicly resounding…He doesn’t even blush about it (“and neither can they blush”).
Don’t fret Calvin. When you die, you’ll be time looped as all victims of Black on white (and animal) violence to purify you of your gross “infection”, and then your spirit will be eternally executed so that you’ll never exist and you won’t have to worry about your kid enduring any contrived racism (the victims mentioned above were victims of REAL racism, the kind that’s physical, not just some words).
It’d be nice for there to be a white person hooked-up with a Black person someday who’s NOT a race-baiting race traitor…That’d be so refreshing to see. But white girls get some Black cock in ‘em and they forget how to talk right and lose all social graces. White dudes get with Black women and always adopt that ignorant “coddle-‘em-‘cuz-they’re-Black” mentality. It gets a little old and redundant after awhile…so common.
On a side note: Can a white woman rap and sound white, ever? Or is it an unspoken rule that they gotta bite on Blacks and try to sound Black when they rap? It’d be refreshing to see THAT change, too.
Here’s the dumb shit that has us suspicious of Calvin Hennick’s existence (can a real person really desecrate the memories of the aforementioned victims of REAL racism with this drivel?):

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